Friday, November 14, 2008

Who has the correct answer?

While the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department think they have the answer. Congress thinks they have the answer and Wall Street has a bailout, now the Auto Industry is looking for help. With so many plans and paths the consumer is confused and has no confidence in our economic system right now. Let’s see what our President Barack obama is going to do for our country.
Citigroup says it will expand its foreclosure prevention efforts and try to keep 130,000 troubled borrowers with $20 billion in mortgages in their homes.
Banks are undoubtedly feeling pressured to be more aggressive in aiding home owners, given how many billions of taxpayer dollars have poured into the industry to stem the credit crisis.
The citigroup will determine where the need for mortgage modification is greatest, it is simply based on economic conditions, and send out letters to its borrowers in these areas to tell them that help is available should they need it.

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