Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maximize your commercial Property Profit

One thing I have realized that each geographic area has its own types of construction materials that are popular and effective for that locale .Agricultural areas, including farms (pig/chicken), pesticide/fertilizer manufacturers, agricultural chemical makers and transporters, and grain storage facilities, have the potential for environmental contamination that could migrate to adjacent property. These areas are also usually smelly and may have a lot of truck traffic coming and going. Every situation is unique, but if it looks like a major agricultural operation is going on next door, the seller should make sure and understand that property values may be affected.Similar to fuel oil tanks, properties having a septic tank should not necessarily be a cause for alarm. Most rural properties have septic tanks and many operate correctly. However, a faulty septic system is usually easy to spot or, should I say, smell. Look for smells around low spots or in ditches. If you smell sewage and the property is in a rural area, you may have located a septic problem. This may not be a deal killer if the property is a good bargain, but fixing a septic problem can cost thousands of dollars and require approval by the county.

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